The Adorable Solar System


Here is a brilliant little video about the basics of or solar system. It is quite entertaining and conceptually well animated. It has some really cool facts that I didn’t know.

All in all, it shows just how tiny and insignificant we are on a cosmic scale. Heck, Earth isn’t even a big deal in its own solar system. Just look a this still showing the mass of the planets:

The coolest, or hottest I should say, part of the video is towards the end. The incandescent glory of our Sun will eventually engulf us. Just look at its mass compared to the rest of the solar system!

Sure, it’s depressing stuff, but somehow this video still brings a smile to my face 🙂


What If The Sun Disappeared?

Obviously, panic and mass hysteria will ensue. Some will even claim that the end times are upon us. They wouldn’t be far off from the truth. Everything you know would be at an end.

But don’t despair dear Terran! The Earth is resilient; it won’t freeze and wither away. Life will persevere as it learns and adapts to its new space faring existence. It’s a fearful but tantalizing thought.

Watch the video to learn more. I’m going to go pay my respects to the Sun.